Advanced Operator Interface Design for Complex Space Telerobots

With technology advancements in computers and displays, computer interfaces can be used to alleviate the operator workload while controlling a complex robot. A graphical simulation of the robotic system can be used to improve development, train operators, and enhance their performance during actual operations. This paper summarizes the advantages realized using a graphical simulation to visually display telemetry from a multiple arm space telerobot. By displaying the commanded position of a manipulator graphically along with the actual position, the operator becomes more effective in diagnosing anomalies in the system. The negative impact of communication time delay can also be alleviated using this commanded display. The above advantages coupled with the simulation's ability to display multiple synthetic views, to move each view to any virtual location, and to highlight functions to emphasize important information, can ease the operator's workload, making him or her more effective in controlling a complex system.