FAME Process: A Dedicated Development and V&V Process for FDIR

In the frame of the European Space Agency (ESA) stu dies, Thales Alenia Space Italia has carryed out a resear ch – FAME – in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessl er and Thales Alenia Space France. The objective of th e FAME project was to define a dedicated FDIR development, verification and validation process th at can address the issues and shortcomings of the current industrial FDIR development practices. The ultimate goal was to allow for the consistent and timely FDIR conception, development, and Verification & Validat on. A parallel objective of the study was the developme nt of a toolset supporting the Process and enabling a coher ent definition, specification, development, and V&V of the FDIR functionalities. It started in September 2013 and ended in May 2014.