Percutaneous injection of acrylic glue into renal allograft pseudoaneurysm for control of intractable post-biopsy hematuria

We report a 44-year-old male, renal allograft recipient of 1-year duration who had two episodes of steroid responsive acute rejection. He presented with graft dysfunction for which a graft biopsy was performed and was suggestive of mixed rejection. At 2 weeks post-biopsy, patient developed severe pain over the graft site with anuria and graft hydronephrosis (HDN). The HDN and anuria intermittently settled with the passage of blood clots per-urethra. Contrast enhanced computerized tomography was suggestive of pseudoaneurysm in the graft kidney. The case was successfully managed with ultrasound guided percutaneous cyanoacrylate glue injection into the pseudoaneurysm.