Selected findings from “The computer as a socializing agent: Some socioaffective outcomes of CAI“

'The study from which these findings were taken was conducted through the Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teaching by Robert D. Hess and Maria D. Tenezakis, with the assistance of Ian D. Smith, Rodney L. Brod, Henry T. Ingle, Judith B. Spellman, and Barbara G. Oppman. The fieldwork was done at Peter Burnett Junior High School in San Jose, California. The project was supported in part by funds from the U.S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare (Contract No. OEC-6-10-078, Project No. 5-0252-0407). The complete report: "The Computer as a Socializing Agent: Some Socioaffective Outcomes of CAI," Technical Report No. 13. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teaching, 1970, (ED 044 942) is now available only from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Drawer O, Bethesda, Md. 20014 (Microfiche, $0.65; hard copy, $6.58).