Ice in the Climate System

I- Ice Sheet Modelling.- Extent and melting history of the late Weichselian ice sheet, the Barents-Kara continental margin.- Modelling of the Fennoscandian ice sheet.- Controls on changes in the West Antartic ice sheet.- Plastic modelling of glaciers and outlets.- Qualitative dynamics of marine ice sheets.- II- Ice Sheet Mass Balance.- Modelling of glacier mass balance.- Observations and simulations of temperature and ice accumulation at the surface of Antarctica.- World sea level and the present mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet.- Ice, climate, and sea level do we know what is happening?.- III- Ice Sheet-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions.- Heinrich events: triggers of ocean circulation change?.- Heinrich events: chronology and processes, east-central Laurentide ice sheet and NW Labrador Sea.- Transport of freshwater into the deep ocean by the conveyor.- The driving force of brine rejection on the deepwater formation in the Hamburg LSG OGCM.- The melting of continental ice in the ocean and its impact on surface and bottom waters.- Hydrological cycle scenarios, deep ocean circulation, and century/millennium climate change: a simulation study using an ocean-atmosphere-ice sheet model.- A simple systems model of the major glaciation cycles.- Climate model studies of interactions between ice sheets and the atmosphere-ocean system.- Modelling ice sheet and climate changes through the ice ages.- Simulation of the climate of the last 200 kyr with the LLN 2D-model.- The late Cenozoic glacial regimes as a combined response to earth-orbital variations and forced and free CO2 variations.- IV- The Thermohaline Circulation.- The delicacy of the oceanic thermohaline circulation.- Multiple equilibria in ?-plane thermohaline convection.- Younger Dryas Experiments.- Deep decoupling oscillations of the oceanic thermohaline circulation.- The glacial ocean: a study with a zonally averaged, three-basin ocean circulation model.- Oscillatory modes of behavior in a simple model of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation.- Correlation of Greenland ice-core and ice-margin ?(18O) records.- V- Climate Data from Ice Cores.- The connection between ice dynamics and paleoclimate from ice cores: a study of Taylor Dome, Antarctica.- Past accumulation rates derived from observed annual layers in the GRIP ice core from Summit, Central Greenland.- VI- Sea Ice Effects on Climate System Evolution.- Sea ice: a factor in influencing climate on short and long time scales.- Nonlinear paleoclimatic variability from quaternary records.- The Arctic responce to CO2-induced warming in a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model.- Ocean heat and seasonal sea ice thickness in the southern ocean.- Quantitative Reconstruction of Sea-Surface Conditions, Seasonal Extent of Sea-Ice Cover and Meltwater Discharges in High Latitude Marine Environments from Dinoflagellate Cyst Assemblages.- North Atlantic sea surface salinity, ice melting and abrupt climatic changes.- Interannual and climatic characteristics of an ice ocean circulation model.- A thermodynamic-dynamic snow sea-ice model.