Expression of cell surface markers and myelin proteins in cultured oligodendrocytes from neonatal brain of rat and mouse: a comparative study.
Dissociated brain cell cultures are a useful model for investigating development and differentiation of oligodendrocytes in vitro. The current studies compare the developmental patterns of expression for oligodendrocyte lineage/myelin markers in both primary and secondary oligodendrocyte cultures derived from mouse and rat neonates. The rat and mouse dissociated brain cell cultures express the same myelin-specific antigens, but mouse oligodendrocytes produce a larger and more elaborate sheet-like membrane than rat oligodendrocytes, and some of the myelin markers (O4, GC, and MBP) show more intense membrane staining in mouse cultures. GD3 appears to be a good oligodendrocyte marker for rat cells, but it is nonspecific in mouse cells. There are fewer oligodendrocytes in mouse cultures, and they appear to require a longer differentiation time than rat oligodendrocytes. These same results are also observed in secondary oligodendrocyte cultures, although in general late myelin markers such as MBP and PLP are expressed at a much lower level in mouse cells than rat cells.