Parotid Sialocele in a 10-Year-Old Girl

A I O-year-old girl prese nted with a 2-month history of a swe lling over her right cheek . She had been seen at an outside hospital, where the swelling had been aspirated on two different occasions, only to recur within a day both times. There was no associated pain or altera tion of facial function. Her medica l history included minor traum a to the area fro m a piece of glass that she experienced while changing a light bulb.The piece ofglass had bee n removed from her cheek unevent full y. The swe lling had appeared a week later. Exa mination revealed a smooth, translucent swe lling in the skin ove r the right parotid gland (figure I ). The skin Figure I. At presentation, the translucent swelling is seen over the right parotid.