Erratum to “design of an ultraviolet filter based on photonic band‐gap materials”

1. DECT transmit–receive switch using ultra small PIN diodes, Applica-tion note no. 049, Infineon Technologies, 2000.2. A 5-6 GHz switch using low cost plastic packaged PIN diodes, Appli-cation note APN1011, Alpha Industries, 1999.3. “Dual-Band Transmit-Receive Switch,” Application note no. 033, In-fineon Technologies, 2000.4. J.C. Clifton and L. Albasha, RF IC antenna switch solutions for GSMdual band telephones, Colloq Multi-chip Modules RFICs, London,1998, pp. 4/1–4/4.5. R. Lucero, W. Qutteneh, A. Pavio, D. Meyers, and J. Estes, Design ofan LTCC switch diplexer fromt-end module for GSM/DCS/PCS appli-cations, IEEE Symp Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits, Phoenix, AZ,2001, pp. 213–216.6. T.K. Lee, W.S. Chan, and T.Y.M. Siu, Power amplifier/low noiseamplifier RF switch, IEE Electron Lett 36 (2000), 1983–1984.© 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.