Event-Based Feature Detection, Recognition and Classification

One of the fundamental tasks underlying much of computer vision is the detection, tracking and recognition of visual features. It is an inherently difficult and challenging problem, and despite the advances in computational power, pixel resolution, and frame rates, even the state-of-the-art methods fall far short of the robustness, reliability and energy consumption of biological vision systems. Silicon retinas, such as the Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) and Asynchronous Time-based Imaging Sensor (ATIS), attempt to replicate some of the benefits of biological retinas and provide a vastly different paradigm in which to sense and process the visual world. Tasks such as tracking and object recognition still require the identification and matching of local visual features, but the detection, extraction and recognition of features requires a fundamentally different approach, and the methods that are commonly applied to conventional imaging are not directly applicable. This thesis explores methods to detect features in the spatio-temporal information from event-based vision sensors. The nature of features in such data is explored, and methods to determine and detect features are demonstrated. A framework for detecting, tracking, recognising and classifying features is developed and validated using real-world data and event-based variations of existing computer vision datasets and benchmarks. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the potential and efficacy of event-based systems. This work provides an in-depth analysis of different event-based methods for object recognition and classification and introduces two feature-based methods. Two learning systems, one event-based and the other iterative, were used to explore the nature and classification ability of these methods. The results demonstrate the viability of event-based classification and the importance and role of motion in event-based feature detection.

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