In South Korea, use of the smart card to pay public transit fares has grown since its introduction in 1996. The proportion of smart card use in Seoul, South Korea, is more than 90% for buses and 75% for Metro. In 2004, the Seoul metropolitan government introduced a new smart card system that has a distance-based fare system, which requires the input of detailed user data, such as boarding time and Global Positioning System–based vehicle location. To investigate the reliability of smart card data, the number of users of every Metro station in Seoul, gathered from smart card data, was directly compared with data obtained from the Seoul Metro Company. By using two simple manipulations to include daily variations and the number of cash users, smart card data appear to be statistically similar to the surveyed data obtained from the Seoul Metro Company. By analyzing the line-specific proportions of smart card use rather than the average smart card use, the accuracy of the results is improved. From the results, it can be seen that smart card data show potential as a basis for describing the characteristics of public transit users, such as the number of transfers, boarding time, hourly trip distribution of the number of trips for different transit modes, and travel time distribution for all transit modes and user types.
Francis Cheung.
Tripperpas Smart Card Project: Lessons from the Netherlands
James E. Moore,et al.
Integrated Smart-Card Fare System: Results from Field Operational Test
Hiroyuki Iseki,et al.
Are Smart Cards the Smart Way to Go?
Martin Trépanier,et al.
Bruno Agard,et al.
Measuring transit use variability with smart-card data
Nicola Shaw,et al.
TCRP Report 10: Fare Policies, Structures, and Technologies
Judith M. Espinosa,et al.
Creating Intelligent, Coordinated Transit
Peter White,et al.
The Potential of Public Transport Smart Card Data
Nigel H. M. Wilson,et al.
Potential Uses of Transit Smart Card Registration and Transaction Data to Improve Transit Planning
Susan Shaheen,et al.
Intelligent Transportation Technology Elements and Operational Methodologies for Shared-Use Vehicle Systems