Air Supply Opening Model of Ceiling Diffusers for Numerical Simulation of Indoor Air Distribution under Actual Connected Conditions, Part II: Application of the Model

ABSTRACT As one effort toward a simplified description of air supply diffusers in numerical simulation of indoor air distribution under actual connected conditions, an improved N-point air supply opening model is proposed in the companion article. This article brings forward the application of the improved N-point air supply opening model and the evaluation of the model. A typical office room is exemplified, whose indoor air distribution is simulated by three methods: (1) detailed description of the connecting ducts and diffusers, which is considered to be able to represent the real case; (2) definition of the air flow out of the diffuser as fully developed; and (3) use of the improved N-point model to describe the diffuser. Moreover, the method of using the N-point model is verified independently. Then the simulated results by the three methods are compared. The comparison indicates that the results by the improved N-point model agree well with the ones by detailed description. It demonstrates that the improved models are applicable and creditable and much less time-consuming.