Optimal configuration analysis for the Robotic All-Terrain Lunar Exploration Rover

A robotic rover vehicle designed for use in the exploration of the Lunar surface is described. The Robotic All-Terrain Lunar Exploration Rover (R-A.T.L.E.R-) is a four wheeled all-wheel-drive dual-body vehicle. A uniquely simple method of chassis articulation is employed which allows all four wheels to remain in contact with the ground, even while climbing over step-like obstacles as large as [approximately]1.3 wheel diameters. Skid steering and modular construction are used to produce a simple, rugged, highly agile mobility chassis with fewer parts required compared to other designs being considered for planetary exploration missions. The design configuration, mobility parameters, and performance of several existing R.A.T.L.E.R prototypes are discussed, with emphasis on an analysis of the configuration parameters which directly affect the designs mobility performance.