라이프스타일에 따른 세분시장별 외식 선택속성과 소비행동에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to examine the market segments of Chinese dining-out customers based on their lifestyle. This study focused on the selection and consumption behavior of dining-out customers. The subjects of this study were 20 years old or older diners in Luoyang, China, and the data were collected for 11 days from April 5, 2016. 400 questionnaires were distributed, and 390 copies were collected. After excluding 9 inadequate questionnaires, 381 responses were used for data analysis by using IBM SPSS 23.0, and Data analysis included frequency analysis, cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA, and cross tabulation. The results of empirical analysis showed that there was a significant difference in selection attributes, consumption behavior and demographic characteristics in terms of lifestyle market segments.