This paper presents a new approach to minimize node contention while performing multiple multicast on wormhole k-ary n-cube networks with overlapped destination sets. The existing multicast algorithms in the literature deliver poor performance under multiple multicast because these algorithms have been designed with only single multicast in mind. Our algorithms use only local source-specific information, and no global knowledge about other concurrent multicasts. For systems supporting unicast message passing, a new SPUmesh (Source-Partitioned Umesh) algorithm is proposed and shown to be superior than the conventional Umesh algorithm for multiple multicast. Two new algorithms, SQHL (Source-Quadrant Hierarchical Leader) and SCHL (Source-Centered Hierarchical Leader) are proposed for systems with multidestination message-passing, and shown to be superior than the HL scheme. All these algorithms perform (1) 5-10 times faster than the existing algorithms under multiple multicast and (2) as fast as existing algorithms under single multicast. Such results related to multiple multicast are the first of their kind in the wormhole literature and demonstrate significant potential for current and future wormhole systems.
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A survey of wormhole routing techniques in direct networks
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Unicast-Based Multicast Communication in Wormhole-Routed Networks
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Multidestination Message Passing Mechanism Conforming to Base Wormhole Routing Scheme
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Efficient Multi-Packet Multicast Algorithms on Meshes with Wormhole and Dimension-Ordered Routing
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Optimal Multicast Communication in Wormhole-Routed Torus Networks
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