Convolution describes a variety of physical system dynamics, both quantum and classical. Convolution, in a discrete form, describes the nondeterministic d y namics of computational systems as well. Petri nets are used as the motivating model for the discrete convolution. The similarities are formal, but the description of manuals for physical experiments by Foulis and Randall also receives ezpression in terms of Petri nets b y this correspondence. The observations of Petri nets are contrasted with the observations of quantum systems. This brief, only descriptive, paper just mentions that there are relationships t o linear logic.
Valeria de Paiva,et al.
A Linear Specification Language for Petri Nets
Matthew Hennessy,et al.
Algebraic theory of processes
MIT Press series in the foundations of computing.
J. Girard,et al.
Proofs and types
Stanley Gudder,et al.
Realistic quantum probability
Narciso Martí-Oliet,et al.
From Petri nets to linear logic
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science.
Michael Barr,et al.
*-Autonomous categories and linear logic
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science.