Measurement magnetic field level of radiated emissions from military equipment
The article concerns problems of electromagnetic compatibility of military equipment. Its goal is to present a sample application of position and methodology of measurements concerning measurement level of magnetic induction of interference in the frequency ranging from 30Hz to 100kHz, generated by equipment, sets of devices and such components as feeder cables, control, signal, aerial and connection cables(ducts) between components of military equipment sets. The procedure can also be used with reference to basic operating frequency of sonars, industrial devices, scientific and medical equipment. The procedure cannot be used with reference to emission directly from antennas and emission at basic frequency of radio-communication transmitters. In the article there has been presented the methodology of measurements and description of position for measuring the magnetic induction level of interference in the frequency ranging from 30Hz to 100kHz according to the RE101 procedure of MIL-STD-461E standard. The goal of research is to obtain measurement data essential for assessment of compatibility of tested equipment or sets of devices with requirements included in the defensive standard MIL-STD-461E. The above mentioned position is used for conducting research in the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Faculty of Electronics, Military University of Technology, which has accreditation granted by the Polish Accreditation Centre.