Deeply-Learned Spatial Alignment for Person Re-Identification

A large class of Person Re-identification (ReID) approaches identify pedestrians with the TriHard loss. Though the TriHard loss is a robust ReID method, pose variance and viewpoint in pedestrians constrain the performance. To address this problem, we introduce a spatial transformer network (STN) to align pedestrians. Then, we illustrate the generality of the STN module in pose variance problem through the evaluations on feature representation network (FRN) like VGG, ResNet and DenseNet architectures respectively. Furthermore, based on the evaluation results, we propose a robust and high-performance ReID model which consists of the STN module, DenseNet backbone and TriHard loss. And finally, we prove that our ReID model is whole differentiable by formula derivation, therefore achieving an end-to-end high-performance ReID system. The experiments show that our ReID system outperforms the state-of-art methods on Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID and CUHK03 datasets.

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