Chemical mass transfer in magmatic processes

Lasaga's (1982) Master Equation for crystal growth is solved for multicomponent systems in situations which allow for coupled diffusion of melt species. The structure of the solution is explored in some detail for the case of a constant diffusion coefficient matrix. Incorporating these results, the growth of plagioclase is modeled in undercooled tholeiitic melts by approximating interface growth rates with (1) a reduced growth rate function and with (2) calculated solid-liquid solution properties obtained from the silicate liquid solution model of Ghiorso et al. (1983; appendix of Ghiorso 1985). For this purpose algorithms are provided for estimating the liquidus temperature or the chemical affinity of a multicomponent solid solution precipitating from a complex melt of specified bulk composition. Compositional trends in initial solids produced by successive degrees of undercooling are opposite to those predicted in the binary system NaAlSi3O8-CaAl2Si2O8. Calculations suggest that the solid phase and interface melt compositions rapidly approach a “steady state” for a given degree of undercooling. Consequently, the overall isothermal growth rate of plagioclase forming from tholeiitic melts appears to be entirely diffusion controlled. In magmatic systems the multicomponent growth equations allow for the formation of oscillatory zoned crystals as a consequence of the “couplingr” between interface reaction kinetics and melt diffusion. The magnitude of this effect is largely dependent upon the asymmetry of the diffusion coefficient matrix. Methods are described to facilitate the calibration of diffusion matrices from experimental data on multicomponent penetration curves.Experimental results (Lesher and Walker 1986) on steady state Soret concentration profiles resulting from thermal diffusion in MORB and andesitic liquids are analyzed using the theory of multicomponent linear irreversible thermodynamics. Under conditions where the entropy production is minimized, a linear relationship is derived between liquid chemical potentials and temperature. This relationship is utilized to evaluate the validity of the solution model of Ghiorso et al. (1983) in melts up to 300° C above their liquidus. The results indicate that configurational entropies are accurately modeled for MORB and andesite bulk compositions. The modeling fails in two four-component systems tested. Equations are derived which allow the calibration of multicomponent regular solution parameters from steady state Soret arrays. An algorithm is demonstrated which permits the calculation of steady state Soret concentration profiles, given an overall bulk melt composition and temperature gradient. This algorithm uses the liquid solution properties of Ghiorso et al. (1983) and constants obtained from the experimental measurements of Lesher and Walker (1986).

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