National Directory of Rehabilitation Facilities Using Computers.
", ABSTRACT This directory represents the culmination of a national research project designed to assess the extent to which computer technology is being integrated into rehabilitation facility operations. The directory is divided into six major sections. The first section is a research summary that provides a concise description of how the information included in the direct9xy was derived. It contains ipformation regarding training needs experienced by most facilities, cost of implementing computerized operations, problem areas frequently experienced by facilities, software applications, and so on. Section 2 provides an introduction to computer use as well as applications that specifically apply to many facility operations. Of particular interest may be the information describing the key steps involved in selecting a system for a facility as well as integrating it into existing operations. Sections 3, 4, and 5 are designed primarily to provide readers with specific information on the hardware being used by facilities, software ratings, names and addresses of agencies and contact persons willing to share their expertise, and related information. Finally, a resource section provides a reference for persons interested in obtaining additional information in computer uses not only in rehabilitation facility operations but also in medical settings, public agencies, and among consumers: This final section includes a list of publications of interest, organizations (primarily national in scope), consultants, vendors, training opportunities, and miscellaneous additional resources. (KC)