The phase trajectories as the new diagnostic discriminants of foundry machines and devices usability

In work, the new approach to construction of monitoring system was showed. The proposed system is based on analysis of phase trajectories and theory of technical stability. The tasks of stability theory, its mathematical formalism, have tight connections to the performance of the building process of diagnostic machine state change recognition conditions, including the matter of diagnostic symptoms and criteria values choice describing process of qualification of the changes happening in the monitored object. State changes of the monitored object are tightly connected with the changes of construction parameters of its parts, kinematic pairs or the conditions of their cooperation. They are related to relevant ratios changes: mass, elasticity, damping, which generate disturbances in characteristic movements of the initial states, and the changes of which might be the subject of control assessment in the monitoring system. It shows purposefulness in controlling the phase images of the tested vibration signals, giving them the value of a useful tool for fault development process identification in the monitored object. Technical stability allows also determining the area of allowable solutions with regard to object load and external perturbations. About perturbation, it is assumed only that they are limited.