Post-Hercynian formations of the western Tauern window: sedimentological features, depositional environment, and age

The post-Hercynian formations of the western Tauern window are briefly described, and their sedimentology, depositional environment, and age are discussed. The most important results are: (1) New fossil findings from Middle Triassic carbonates and the Hochstegen marble confirm the suggested ages. (2) The Keuper formation is present at the base of the Glockner nappe in several places of the western Tauern window. (3) The Bündner Schiefer of the Glockner nappe are at least in part flysch deposits resembling distal turbidites. Despite metamorphism, rhythmic layering and sometimes grading of the grain species are discernible. Carbonate concentrates at the bottom of the layers which usually comprise a lime-free upper horizon. A continuous profile through the sequence is presented, and the term "Bündner Schiefer and Tauernflysch formation" is proposed. (4) The Kaserer formation also shows grading in places and is characterized by partly coarser clastic material (arkoses). A depositional environment in a slope basin on the southern continental margin of the Middle Penninic zone is suggested.