Expression profiling of endocrine-disrupting compounds using a customized Cyprinus carpio cDNA microarray.

Exposure to a variety of anthropogenic compounds has been shown to interfere with normal development, physiology, and reproduction in a wide range of organisms, both in laboratory studies and wildlife. We have developed a Cyprinus carpio cDNA microarray consisting of endocrine-related genes. In the current study, we investigated the applicability of this microarray (1) to study the molecular effects induced by exposure to a variety of endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) in fish and (2) to discriminate the specific transcriptional profiles associated with these compounds. To that purpose, gene expression profiles were generated in livers of juvenile carp exposed to 14 Organization of Economical Cooperation Development (OECD)-recommended reference EDCs (17beta-estradiol, 17alpha-ethinylestradiol, 4-nonylphenol, bisphenol A, tamoxifen, 17alpha-methyltestosterone, 11-ketotestosterone, dibutyl phthalate, flutamide, vinclozolin, hydrocortisone, CuCl(2), propylthiouracil, and a mixture of L-triiodothyronine and L-thyroxine). Our results show that, in addition to some expression similarities between analogous acting substances, each individual compound produced its own unique expression pattern on the array, distinct from the profiles generated by the other compounds. In addition, we were able to identify a minimal subset of genes, which also allowed to discriminate between the different compounds. Overall, our findings suggest that the developed cDNA array has great promise to screen new and existing chemicals on their endocrine-disruptive potential and to identify distinct classes of EDCs.

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