Dinâmica do conteúdo de monossacarídeos em gemas e ramos de dois anos de macieira durante a endodormência

The objective of this work was to evaluate the variation of glucose, fructose and sorbitol content in two year old buds and stems of apple trees during the dormancy period. Stems of cv. Imperial Gala were collected in Porto Amazonas, Parana State, Brazil, a region of low chill occurence, at intervals of 21 days from April to August and were treated or not with 1,440 hours of chill (4 to 7°C). The monosaccharides were analysed in buds and stem tissues close to buds by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). There was an increase of glucose and fructose content in buds from April to August and it was stimulated by the chill treatment. The glucose and fructose content in stems increased from April to August 2nd followed by a reduction in August 23rd and the chill treatment advanced this dynamics. The sorbitol content in buds and stems of apple tree oscillated from April to August and its dynamics was modified by the chill treatment.