Inactivation of coliphage Qβ by potassium ferrate

The kinetics of inactivation of a bacteriophage by potassium ferrate were studied with the F-specific RNA-coliphage Qβ. Inactivation in phosphate buffer (pH 6, 7 and 8) containing ferrate could be described by Hom's model. The inactivation rate depended on the pH. However, the relative effects of ferrate concentration and exposure time on inactivation were not affected by a change in pH from 6 to 8. In a study of the mechanism by which ferrate inactivated the virus, the efficiency of viral inactivation after ferrate decomposed in buffer was assayed. Inactivation was still effective and still followed Hom's equation after the complete decomposition of ferrate ion; however, the efficiency of that inactivation disappeared when sodium thiosulfate was added, suggesting that long-lived oxidative intermediates capable of viral inactivation were generated during the decomposition of ferrate ions.