Laryngeal papilloma showing changes of Bowen's disease and angiosarcoma.
PAPILLARY lesions of the larynx usually are designated as benign papillomas, singer's nodes, papillary granulomas, or papillary carcinomas. Sometimes the terms carcinosarcoma, pseudocarcinoma, or spindle cell carcinoma enter into the discussion of the histological interpretation of laryngeal neoplasms. Tumors in this area may constitute difficult interpretative problems for the histopathologist as well as therapeutic enigmas for the clinician. In the past 40 years approximately 54 laryngeal sarcomas have been reported in the English literature: characteristically these have been polypoid lesions with little tendency to deep infiltration into the adjacent soft tissue. Most arose in the true vocal cord and enlarged slowly. Twenty-six of these neoplasms were diagnosed as fibrosarcomas, seven as malignant lymphomas, five as chondrosarcomas, and the remainder as rhabdomyosarcomas, angiosarcomas, osteogenic sarcomas, leiomyosarcomas, or sarcomas of an undetermined type. 1 Report of a Case An 82-year-old white woman complaining of hoarseness of about two months' duration and who