processing of natural resources is characterized by constantly increasing
volumes of mining industry. On the one hand, it leads to the involvement of
ever growing volumes of depleted natural resources into industry, since rich
sources have been practically exhausted. On the other hand, ecological
requirements to the processing industry are ever growing. These two
circumstances make it necessary to advance processing technologies for maximal
usage of all valuable components of natural raw materials. As an example of
such enterprises, we can mention the processing of multicomponent ores of
nonferrous metals or the production of various mineral materials and even metal
materials from the Dead Sea water. It is impossible as yet to evaluate
unambiguously the total efficiency of such combined industries. This makes it
difficult to manage and optimize them. Such situation requires the development
of a method allowing an unambiguous estimation of the completeness of complex
usage of raw materials at all stages of the technology, which is sometimes
rather branched. The proposed criterion of such kind is based on the properties
of entropy, which is the principal invariant of modern natural science. This
parameter is perceived ambiguously and is permanently discussed in technical
literature. Physical nature of this parameter is substantiated in detail by the
author in [1] [2] [3], where its universality for the analysis of complicated
systems during their variation is demonstrated. In the present paper, the
development of such a criterion for a complicated technology of complex raw
material processing is considered. However, such an approach can be also used
for the analysis of complicated technological projects in other fields of human
activities. This article represents a continuation of the author’s developments
Alan Wilson,et al.
Entropy in urban and regional modelling
Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics.
Entropy of two-phase flows in the mode of separation
Journal of Mining Science.
C. E. SHANNON,et al.
A mathematical theory of communication
N. Martin,et al.
Mathematical Theory of Entropy
P. Chambadal,et al.
Évolution et applications du concept d'entropie
Eugene Barsky.
Unambiguous Entropic Evaluation of a Complicated Construction Process