Integration of HL7 Compliant Smart Home Healthcare System and HMIS

Smart Home Healthcare Systems requires interoperability at different levels for effective provision of healthcare. Patients should be monitored regularly by medical doctors, whereas, medical doctors are themselves busy. Medical data exchange is extremely important for monitoring healthcare ubiquitously using smart home systems. Lack of standards usage such as HL7 for medical information exchange limits the usability of these smart home healthcare systems. Therefore, the need is to provide an interoperable solution in which smart home healthcare system and Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) can exchange information to provide guidelines to the patient. The proposed system caters this deficiency in smart homes by standardization the health related information and communicating it with HL7 compliant HMIS for the physicians to provide guidelines. Sensors data in raw form is initially converted to XML form and then converted to HL7 CDA document. This data is communicated to HMIS for physicians to evaluate data and provide recommendations. The proposed system ensures effective monitoring of patients health data and timely information exchange among Smart Home and HMIS to ensure effective treatment and management of patient disease.