Prostate radiotherapy for men with metastatic disease: a new comparison in the Systemic Therapy in Advancing or Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Evaluation of Drug Efficacy (STAMPEDE) trial

Many patients presenting with metastatic prostate cancerask whether they should have treatment to the prostateitself in addition to their hormone therapy. This question isincreasingly common and there is a growing sense thatthese inquiring patients may be on to something, asinternational randomised controlled trials have now provena survival benefit to adding radiotherapy (RT) to hormonetherapy for men with locally advanced disease [1,2]. Fromearly in 2013, the Systemic Therapy in Advancing orMetastatic Prostate Cancer: Evaluation of Drug Efficacy(STAMPEDE) trial will investigate whether treatmentdirec ted against the primary tumour might indeed retardmetastatic progression and thereby prolong survival bytesting the role of RT-to-the-prostate in men presentingwith metastatic disease