Path capacity estimation in IEEE 802.15.4 enabled wireless sensor network via senprobe

In this demonstration, we will showcase SenProbe, a lightweight capacity estimation technique specifically designed for the CSMA based wireless sensor networks. SenProbe is a packet train technique based on the concept pioneer by CapProbe, but designed specially for the wireless environment. We will use wireless devices with limited radio ranges to display the properties of multi-hop wireless networks (a table top experiment). More specifically, we will illustrate wireless properties with IEEE 802.15.4 enabled devices, and offer insights into how the capacity of a wireless path changes in real wireless environments can be deployed, measured, and used. This tool will be useful for network users as well as network designers to gain better understanding of their network, and plan their activities accordingly. This demonstration aims to provide results that can be of assistance in various facets of IEEE 802.15.4 enabled intelligent home/industrial networking environments.