TTM: An Efficient Mechanism to Detect Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks

Important applications of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks make them very attractive to attackers, therefore more research is required to guarantee the security for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. In this paper, we proposed a transmission time based mechanism (TTM) to detect wormhole attacks - one of the most popular & serious attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. TTM detects wormhole attacks during route setup procedure by computing transmission time between every two successive nodes along the established path. Wormhole is identified base on the fact that transmission time between two fake neighbors created by wormhole is considerably higher than that between two real neighbors which are within radio range of each other. TTM has good performance, little overhead and no special hardware required. TTM is designed specifically for Ad Hoc On-Demand Vector Routing Protocol (AODV) but it can be extended to work with other routing protocols.

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