EXOSAT observations of 4U/MXB 1636-53 - On the relation between the amount of accreted fuel and the strength of an X-ray burst

During Exosat observations of 4U/MXB 1636-53 in August 1985, three bursts were observed in 6 h and 24 bursts in 79 h of uninterrupted observation. The burst times, burst fluences, peak burst fluxes, burst rise times, decay times, burst intervals, mean persistent fluxes, and the product of the latter two are listed, analyzed, and discussed. The implications of the results for thermonuclear flash models are examined. A model which fits the data well involves bursts which suffer from nuclear energy losses due to stable hydrogen burning between bursts. Thus, the percentage of lost energy increases with increasing burst intervals. For individual bursts, however, there are significant deviations from the approximate linear relationship. 43 references.