The promise of a greener future - “Fuel cells”

Fuel cells use hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity as oil resources are fast depleting over the entire world, and the increasing emphasis on reducing emissions and increasing efficiency, there is a need to develop and adopt non-conservative fuel systems for the fast moving world. This alternative fuel cells are used as fuels in automobiles Use of hydrogen as an alternative fuel to these problems would cut down India's shortfalls by a significant measure. A fuel cell generates electricity from a chemical reaction usually involving hydrocarbon fuels which produce hydrogen and an oxidizing agent. Fuel cells differ from batteries in that batteries store the reactants, and must be recharged or discarded once consumed. Fuel cells have many advantages as well as disadvantages. Fuel cells are suitable for small scale applications like portable power and transportation. Since vehicles running on fuel cells run only on hydrogen, they emit only water and heat thus reduces pollution. Materials for fuel cell components are expensive. A fuel cell car could cost almost ten times as much as a regular Internal Combustion Engine powered one. There are many agencies pursuing research and development on fuel cells. India has two hydrogen fuelling-stations. Thus as natural resources have begun to get depleted it is high time that IC engine powered vehicles are replaced by electrical vehicles.