Large-scale Parallel Stratified Defeasible Reasoning

We are recently experiencing an unprecedented explosion of available data coming from the Web, sensors readings, scientific databases, government authorities and more. Such datasets could benefit from the introduction of rule sets encoding commonly accepted rules or facts, application- or domain-specific rules, com-monsense knowledge etc. This raises the question of whether, how, and to what extent knowledge representation methods are capable of handling huge amounts of data for these applications. In this paper, we consider inconsistency-tolerant reasoning in the form of defeasible logic, and analyze how parallelization, using the MapReduce framework, can be used to reason with defeasible rules over huge datasets. We extend previous work by dealing with predicates of arbitrary arity, under the assumption of stratification. Moving from unary to multi-arity predicates is a decisive step towards practical applications, e.g. reasoning with linked open (RDF) data. Our experimental results demonstrate that defeasible reasoning with millions of data is performant, and has the potential to scale to billions of facts.

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