Weather Types and Rainfall over Senegal. Part II: Downscaling of GCM Simulations

Abstract Four methods of downscaling daily rainfall sequences from general circulation model (GCM) simulations are intercompared over Senegal, using a 13-station network of daily observations during July–September 1961–98. The local scaling method calibrates raw GCM daily rainfall at the closest grid point to a given station so that the climatological distribution of rainfall matches the observed one. The k-nearest neighbor and weather classification schemes resample historical station rainfall observations according to the similarity between the daily wind fields from an ensemble of GCM simulations and a historical library of reanalysis [from 40-yr ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-40)] daily wind fields. The nonhomogenous hidden Markov model uses a small set of hidden states to describe the relationship between daily station rainfall observations and low-pass-filtered simulated winds to simulate stochastic sequences of daily rainfall. The four methods are assessed in terms of seasonal statistics of daily rainfall,...

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