Management of structural components complex electronic systems on the basis of adaptive model

The object of the study encompasses the control systems for functional elements of complex strategic and specialized systems that serve various purposes and are aimed at achieving set criteria quality and can be interpreted in mathematical terms. The study centres on mathemetical modelling of structural elements of complex multi-level systems and the rationale for determining control actions. The article analyses the complex model of radio electronic communication system. The aim of the study is to solve the problem of multi-parameter adaptation of the system elements to the current conditions at different operating stages by the determination of optimum set of control actions. The study was conducted on the basis of systems theory, system analysis and control, and methods of search optimization. The rationale for determining control actions allows to obtain current and prognostic data on control actions assessment. The technique for determining and establishing rational control actions affecting the system components was developed on the basis of set qualitative states of the system. The main advantage of the developed technique is its multi-purpose application to elements of various complex strategic, social and economic, specialized systems. The technique excludes excessive iteration during calculations, which means economic use of time resources. The technique allows to control effectively the system elements within the limits of criteria set level not only when it is necessary to use additional resources but also when the system resources are used inefficiently and unreasonably.

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