Development of the Wide Field Grism Spectrograph 2

We have developed the Wide Field Grism Spectrograph 2 (WFGS2) for the f/10 focus of the University of Hawaii 2.2 m telescope (UH88). This instrument provides slit-less, wide-field spectroscopy as well as imaging and long-slit spectroscopy. Two CCD cameras of UH88, Tektronix 2k x 2k and OPTIC 4k x 4k, can be used as a detector. The spectral coverage is 380 - 970 nm, and the field of view is 11'.5 x 11'.5 with a pixel scale of 0".34 (Tektronix) or 0".21 pixel-1 (OPTIC) in the imaging mode. WFGS2 has two replica grisms (R = 620 at 650 nm and R = 730 at 400 nm) and a Volume-Phase Holographic (VPH) grism (R = 2500 at 664 nm). The VPH grism enables intermediate-dispersion spectroscopy with this transmission system. Two long-slits with widths of 0".6 and 0".9 can be used. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (g', r', i', z') and narrow-band (wide Hα, Hα, and [SII]+Li) filters are equipped. The first light observation was done in November 2003. We present the details of WFGS2, including the results of the first light observation.