Inspection of the U.S. European Command

Abstract : The Inspector General, Department of Defense, conducted an inspection of the U.S. European Command from November 1994 to January 1995. The U.S. European Command is a unified command responsible for the planning and conduct of all U.S. military operations within its geographic area. We evaluated the effectiveness and efficiency of the management programs and processes used by the U.S. European Command to support execution of its assigned missions. The inspection included visits to the U. S. European Command Headquarters and the George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies. The inspection focused on three major areas of the U.S. European Command organization. We evaluated the processes used to determine the Command's requirements and resources, internal management programs, and the internal oversight and control mechanisms used by the U.S. European Command's managers. We did not assess the Command's capacity to execute operations, but rather focused on its ability to manage itself in ways that will permit it to carry out its missions.