Cooperative Critical Turning Point-Based Decision-Making and Planning for CAVH Intersection Management System

The intersection is a critical traffic problem from the perspective of safety and traffic efficiency. As wireless communication technology advances, vehicle infrastructure cooperative approaches have received increased attention. In this paper, we propose a cooperative critical turning point method to help the cooperation between vehicles and infrastructures to improve the traffic efficiencies. The idea of cooperative critical turning point improves the cooperation between connected automated vehicles, the surrounding traffic and roadside infrastructures in order to provide high efficiencies of the intersection. An intersection management system using such a method is implemented based on the framework of the connected automated vehicle highway system. Such system can efficiently allow a roadside infrastructure receives state information from vehicles, reserve the associated intersection time-space occupancy, and then provide decision-making and planning feedback to the vehicles. The vehicles covered by the system then adjust their trajectories to meet their assigned time slot. The study validates the proposed system that considers the uncertainties of the driving environment by formulating the problem into a POMDP problem and solves it using an online solver. Based on preliminary simulation experiments, the proposed strategy can significantly reduce travel delays, decrease stops and improve the sustainability of the traffic system.