영업 고속철도차량의 축상 진동가속도계를 이용한 10m 현 중앙종거법 궤도틀림 추정에 관한 연구

This paper is focused on estimation of rail irregularity with a mid-chord offset method from axle-box accelerometers of an in-service high-speed train. In Korea, the rail condition monitoring has been done by a special railway inspection vehicle, EM-120. Unfortunately, the conventional monitoring method needs some contacting mechanical system which is expensive and it has speed limits to keep the contact. In this research, a rail irregularity estimation method is proposed to monitor the rail condition by some axle-box accelerometers of an in-service high-speed train. The axle-box acceleration was measured by vertical and lateral accelerometers on an axle-box, and stored in an on-board data acquisition system. The rail irregularity was estimated from the stored data by Kalman filter, frequency selective filter, and mid-chord offset filter. The estimated results were compared with the measurement result from a conventional railway inspection vehicle. From the comparison, the proposed method is able to apply in the rail condition monitoring by several in-service high-speed trains.