雷达图分析法在教学质量评价体系中的应用研究 Research of the Application of Radar Analysis in Teaching Quality Evaluation System
高校教学质量的高低,直接关系到高校培养出来的人才素质的优劣。本文引入雷达图分析法,建立一种对教学质量进行评价的模型。该模型从五个角度分析评价教学质量的高低,并分别赋予其权重使其量化,从而使评价的指标更加直观、具体。该模型具有多元化的特点。实践表明,其对本科教学质量的提高有一定的推动作用。 The level of teaching quality is directly related to the quality of the pros and cons of college- trained personnel. This paper introduces a radar chart analysis, establishing a model to evaluate the quality of teaching. From five angles, the model to analyze the level of the evaluation of the quality of teaching, and, respectively, to give it the weight it quantified, so that the evaluation index is more intuitive, more specific. The model has a wide range of features. The practice shows that its role in the improvement of the quality of undergraduate teaching.