Running Scientific Computations In A Web Operating System Environment

The eecient execution of scientiic applications on the worldwide interconnected networks (the Internet, Web) requires an integration of ne and coarse grain load balancing strategies (Banicescu, Ghafoor, and Bilderback 1998). While the implementation of the new Web Operating System (WOS, a specialized operating system for global computing) is in progress (Kropf, Plaice, and Unger 1997), we identify the most competitive ne and coarse grain load balancing strategies that proved to be extremely eeective in networks of workstations (Russ, Banicescu, Ghafoor, Jana-pareddi, Robinson, and Lu 1998), and propose a novel scheme that uses an integration of both for the WOS. The paper will asses the feasibility and the signiicance of the proposed scheme and will outline details of the implementation .