Optimization study of vehicle crashworthiness based on two types of frontal impacts

In this paper, the method of acceleration curve controlled and optimized was researched based on the vehicle's two types of crash conditions of C-NCAP, and the vehicle's acceleration curves of FRB (Front Rigid Barrier impact) and ODB (Offset Deformable Barrier impact) were divided into several different phases with relative to different structure deformation status. According to the changes of acceleration curve and structure collision, adjust the strength of key parts, make the acceleration peak values and intrusions of two types of crash conditions meet the demand of the target. As an example, we studied the safety performance of the A0-class vehicle. From the CAE analysis results of the original case, we found that the FRB impact intrusion is slightly beyond the target, the acceleration value basically meet the objectives. But the intrusion and acceleration of the ODB impact are largely beyond the objectives. By using the above-mentioned method and principle, the accelerations and intrusions were optimized and achieved the structure design goals, and according to the rules of C-NCAP, the vehicle in the real vehicle collision tests have achieved satisfactory results.