Effect of inoculum, variety, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on yield, protein and oil content of soybeans at jabalpur, M.P. India

Abstract Regardless of inoculum or fertility rate Bragg outyielded Clark 63 soybeans. Yields of Bragg and Clark 63 were increased about 1000 kg per ha by treatment with inoculum at the rate of approximately 313, 000 bacteria per seed. At the highest rate of applied N, yields of uninoculated soybeans, were lower than the inoculated soybeans at the lowest applied N rate. Phosphorus fertilizer increased yields at a decreasing rate and yields were decreased at the highest rate of applied P. Potassium fertilizer had a negative effect on soybean yields and did not significantly effect the protein or oil content of soybean seed. With increasing P fertilizer rates, there was a decrease in oil content and in increase in protein content of soybean seed.