Computational Techniques Used in the Driver Performance Model of the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model

The Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) is a high-priority research area for FHWA. IHSDM is a software system for evaluating the safety of alternative highway designs in a computer-aided design environment. The initial phase of this research program is to develop IHSDM for use in the design of two-lane rural highways. IHSDM includes a driver-vehicle module that simulates the moment-to-moment actions of a single driver-vehicle unit. Reviewed are the computational approaches that have guided the implementation of the driver performance model (DPM) that along with a vehicle model and other components constitute the driver-vehicle module. Five major computational functions of DPM are reviewed: perception, speed decision, path decision, speed control, and path control. Comparison of model results with data from a driving simulator demonstrates the ability of DPM to account for the horizontal curve deflection angle on the speed profile.