Biomimetic Neural Learning for Intelligent Robots - Intelligent Systems, Cognitive Robotics, and Neuroscience

Towards Biomimetic Neural Learning for Intelligent Robots.- Towards Biomimetic Neural Learning for Intelligent Robots.- I: Biomimetic Multimodal Learning in Neuron-Based Robots.- The Intentional Attunement Hypothesis The Mirror Neuron System and Its Role in Interpersonal Relations.- Sequence Detector Networks and Associative Learning of Grammatical Categories.- A Distributed Model of Spatial Visual Attention.- A Hybrid Architecture Using Cross-Correlation and Recurrent Neural Networks for Acoustic Tracking in Robots.- Image Invariant Robot Navigation Based on Self Organising Neural Place Codes.- Detecting Sequences and Understanding Language with Neural Associative Memories and Cell Assemblies.- Combining Visual Attention, Object Recognition and Associative Information Processing in a NeuroBotic System.- Towards Word Semantics from Multi-modal Acoustico-Motor Integration: Application of the Bijama Model to the Setting of Action-Dependant Phonetic Representations.- Grounding Neural Robot Language in Action.- A Spiking Neural Network Model of Multi-modal Language Processing of Robot Instructions.- II: Biomimetic Cognitive Behaviour in Robots.- A Virtual Reality Platform for Modeling Cognitive Development.- Learning to Interpret Pointing Gestures: Experiments with Four-Legged Autonomous Robots.- Reinforcement Learning Using a Grid Based Function Approximator.- Spatial Representation and Navigation in a Bio-inspired Robot.- Representations for a Complex World: Combining Distributed and Localist Representations for Learning and Planning.- MaximumOne: An Anthropomorphic Arm with Bio-inspired Control System.- LARP, Biped Robotics Conceived as Human Modelling.- Novelty and Habituation: The Driving Forces in Early Stage Learning for Developmental Robotics.- Modular Learning Schemes for Visual Robot Control.- Neural Robot Detection in RoboCup.- A Scale Invariant Local Image Descriptor for Visual Homing.