Ultrasound Guidance to Reduce Vascular and Bleeding Complications of Percutaneous Transfemoral Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A Propensity Score–Matched Comparison
S. Porouchani | F. Pontana | A. Duhamel | C. Delhaye | F. Vincent | H. Spillemaeker | F. Juthier | J. Labreuche | T. Modine | E. Van Belle | M. Kyheng | J. Sobocinski | G. Schurtz | N. Debry | A. Hertault | A. Coisne | A. Cosenza | M. Richardson | M. Moussa | A. Pierache | B. Verdier | T. Denimal | T. Pamart | Cassandre Belin-Vincent | Basile Verdier | Sina Porouchani