Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Recognizing Families In the Wild
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2017 Recognizing Families In the Wild (RFIW) -- RFIW'17, based on the 1st ever large-scale visual kinship recognition data challenge workshop. RFIW'17 was organized with Families In the Wild (FIW)-the largest image database for kinship recognition. Kinship recognition has an abundance of practical uses. Including, but not limited to, forensic investigations, photo library management, historic lineage & genealogical studies, social-media- based analysis, cases of missing children & human tracking, and problems of immigration & border patrol. This workshop will cover the results of the data challenge, the current status and plans for FIW, and the past, present and future of kinship recognition. RFIW gives researchers and practitioners a unique opportunity to exchange their perspectives with others interested in the various aspects of kinship recognition technologies.
Participants of the competition spanned all over the globe. We had nearly 100 teams register for the event, with 12 teams submitting competitive results, and 6 of which had their work published.
RFIW'17 workshop is on 27 October 2017 at ACM MM. The agenda includes the following:
RFIW Data Workshop Introduction and Overview
Oral presentations (2) given by top performers of RFIW
Poster Presentations by all other authors during coffee break
Past, Present, and Future of Kinship Recognition, FIW, and upcoming events
Additionally, we have two great keynotes coming to share complimentary views of the problem:
Rapid DNA Performance Results on Family Relationship Verification, Christopher Miles (Department of Homeland Security)
Recent Advances in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Computer Vision and NLP, Caiming Xiong (Salesforce Research)
We encourage attendees to join us to learn from these valuable and insightful speakers that will guide us to a better understanding of the future.