Learning Aspects of Procedures for Ship Conceptual Design Based on First Principles

This paper presents the learning process, oriented to undergraduate students in Naval Architecture, of some procedures for the conceptual design of ships based on first principles. Firstly, considering the points of view of the different stakeholders, the design requirements are identifie d and analyzed, taking into account the relevant physical , economic, technological and social aspects. Based o n this information, merits and constraints are established in order to follow a decision making process on the de sign alternatives. An application example of this learni ng process in a ship design undergraduate course is described, in which cost and risk are taken as desi gn merits. Certain relations among dimensions and inertias are taken as descriptive parameters of a solution. The bridge between merits and parameters is framed on the following functionalities: cargo capacity, stabilit y, resistance and propulsion, maneuverability, seakeep ing, strength. Genetic algorithms are used as a searchin g process. The scenario of the problem was chosen in accordance with the expectations of the students, b eing the renewal of the fleet of an oil transportation c ompany. As result, a form of product model is obtained, specifically oriented to conceptual design, which materializes the learning acquired by the students.