Cross-presentation of tumor associated antigens through tumor-derived autophagosomes

Cross-presentation of exogenous antigens by host professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) plays a pivotal role in the initiation and development of T-cell immune responses to tumor-associated antigens, including self or mutated self-antigens derived from tumor cells, and foreign antigens derived from infectious agents. Cross-presentation requires multiple steps that involve the antigens’ synthesis and compartmentalization in donor cells, packaging and delivery, and processing and presentation by MHC class I molecules on professional APCs. The intricate pathways that lead to protein degradation and the formation of MHC I-peptide complexes inside the APC are well documented for both soluble and particulate antigens. However, much less is known about how cross-presentation is regulated by the protein degradation pathways in antigen-donor cells (ADCs), including autophagy-mediated lysosomal proteolysis and proteasomal degradation. The exact nature or form of the antigens derived from donor cells at the time of delivery to the APC for cross-presentation is very controversial.