Detection of Rotation in a Binary Microlens: PLANET Photometry of MACHO 97-BLG-41*

We analyze PLANET collaboration data for MACHO 97-BLG-41, the only microlensing event observed to date in which the source transits two disjoint caustics. The PLANET data, consisting of 46 V -band and 325 I-band observations from —ve southern observatories, span a period from the initial alert until the end of the event. Our data are incompatible with a static binary lens, but are well —tted by a rotating binary lens of mass ratio q \ 0.34 and angular separation d B 0.5 (in units of the Einstein ring radius), in which the binary separation changes in size by dd \( 0.070 ^ 0.009 and in orientation by during the 35.17 days between the separate caustic transits. We use this measurement, dh \ 5i.61^ 0i.36 combined with other observational constraints, to derive the —rst kinematic estimate of the mass, dis- tance, and period of a binary microlens. The relative probability distributions for these parameters peak at a total lens mass M D 0.3 (M-dwarf binary system), lens distance kpc, and binary period M _ D L D 5.5 P D 1.5 yr. The robustness of our model is demonstrated by its striking agreement with MACHO/ GMAN data that cover several sharp features in the light curve not probed by the PLANET obser- vations, and which did not enter our modeling procedure in any way. Available data sets thus indicate that the light curve of MACHO 97-BLG-41 can be modeled as a source crossing two caustics of a physi- cally realistic rotating binary. Thus, contrary to a recent suggestion, the additional eUects of a postulated planetary companion to the binary lens are not required. Subject headings: binaries: generalgravitational lensingplanetary systems

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